Chat Commands

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Kore allows authorized players to issue commands by using messages in private, party or guild chat. This way, you can play using another account and still be able to control your bot.


Before you are allowed to use Chat Commands, Kore must recognize you as authorized or it will just ignore your commands. There are two ways to give authorizization to a player:

  1. by using the console command auth specifying the name of the player to authorize, or
  2. by sending Kore a private message that contains the adminPassword set in its config.txt.


You can send chat commands directly to Kore by using private messages, however, issuing commands in party or guild chat is different. When using party or guild chat, you need to include in your message the callSign set in its config.txt. For example, if Kore has "Slave" as its callsign, you would use the following command to make it follow you around:


Slave follow

The callsign is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the message, but only once.


conf attackAuto slave

Note however, that while the callsign can appear anywhere, the command itself must follow the proper syntax and the arguments must appear in the correct order. Avoid unnecessary punctuations.

Command List

agi [me | <player name>]
<player name>
- a partial name of a player within Kore's immediate area.
Tell Kore to use Increase AGI on a player.
Command Description
agi me
Use Increase AGI on the player who issued the chat command.
agi <player name> Use Increase AGI on the player whose name matches the specified partial name.

bless [me | <player name>]
blessing [me | <player name>]
<player name>
- a partial name of a player within Kore's immediate area.
Tell Kore to use Blessing on a player.
Command Description
bless me
blessing me
Use Blessing on the player who issued the chat command.
bless <player name>
blessing <player name>
Use Blessing on the player whose name matches the specified partial name.

conf (<config key>) [<value> | none]
conf (<label_name>.<attribute>) [<value> | none]
<config key>
- a configuration key name from config.txt.
- any value depending on the configuration key being changed.
- by specified label name in configuration block, you can use label name instead of configuration key (see example in config.txt)
Change a configuration key.
Command Description
conf <config key> Display the current value of the specified configuration key.
conf <config key> <value> Set a new value for the specified configuration key.
conf <config key> none Unset the specified configuration key.
conf <label_name>.<attribute> Display the current value of the specified configuration key
conf <label_name>.<attribute> <value> Set a new value for the specified configuration key through label_name.
conf <label_name>.<attribute> none Unset the specified configuration key through label_name.

Note. Kore will not disclose the username and password using this command.

Ask Kore for the current date and time.

follow [me | <player name>]
<player name>
- a partial name of a player within Kore's immediate area.
Tell Kore to follow a player.
Command Description
follow me
Follow the player who issued the chat command.
follow <player name> Follow the player whose name matches the specified partial name.

follow stop
Tell Kore to stop following.

heal [me | <player name>] (<amount hp>)
heal (<amount hp>) [me | <player name>]
<player name>
- a partial name of a player within Kore's immediate area.
<amount hp>
- the amount of hp that will be healed.
Tell Kore to use Heal on a player.
Command Description
heal <amount hp>
heal <amount hp> me
heal me <amount hp>
Use Heal on the player who issued the chat command.
heal <player name> <amount hp>
heal <amount hp> <player name>
Use Heal on the player whose name matches the specified partial name.

kyrie [me | <player name>]
<player name>
- a partial name of a player within Kore's immediate area.
Tell Kore to use Kyrie Eleison on a player.
Command Description
kyrie me
Use Kyrie Eleison on the player who issued the chat command.
kyrie <player name> Use Kyrie Eleison on the player whose name matches the specified partial name.

Tell Kore to quit.

look (<body dir>) [<head dir>]
Tell Kore to look in a certain direction. See similar console command look for the list of values for body and head directions.

Tell Kore to use Magnificat.

move (<x> <y>) [<map name>]
move (<map name>) [<x> <y>]
- x-coordinate.
- y-coordinate.
<map name>
- the name of a map as shown by the where command in Kore, or the /where command in the Ragnarok Online client (e.g. prontera, morocc, prt_fild08, etc.).
Tell Kore to move.
Command Description
move <x> <y> Move to the specified coordinates on the current map.
move <map name> Move to the specified map.
move <x> <y> <map name>
move <map name> <x> <y>
Move to the specified coordinates on the map.

move stop
Tell Kore to stop all movements.

reload (all | <names>) [except <names>]
- a list of words that match config and table filenames.
Reload configuration and table files.
Command Description
reload all Reload all configuration and table files.
reload <names> Reload config and table files that match the specified list of names.
reload <names> except <names> Reload config and table files that match the first specified list of names except those that match the list of names after the except keyword.
reload all except <names> Reload all config and table files except those that match the specified list of names.

The following example will reload all config files inside the 'control' folder.

reload control

The next example will reload all table files inside the 'tables' folder except for tables\itemsdescriptions.txt, tables\portals.txt, tables\portalsLOS.txt, and tables\skillsdescriptions.txt.

reload tables except itemsdesc portals skillsdesc

relog [<seconds>]
- the time in seconds.
Tell Kore to log out then log in again.
Command Description
relog Logout and then login after 5 seconds.
relog <seconds> Logout and then login after the specified number of seconds.

shut up
Tell Kore to turn verbose off. Kore will not reply to chat commands when verbose is off.

Tell Kore to sit.
Note. To ensure that Kore will stay put, this command will set the config.txt option attackAuto to 1, and the options attackAuto_party, route_randomWalk, teleportAuto_idle, and itemsGatherAuto to 0. The original values are stored so they can be reset when the stand command is used.

Tell Kore to turn verbose on. Kore will reply to chat commands when verbose is on.

Tell Kore to stand.
Note. If you previously used the sit command to force Kore to sit, this will set the config.txt options attackAuto, attackAuto_party, route_randomWalk, teleportAuto_idle, and itemsGatherAuto to their original values.

Ask Kore for status information (HP, SP, base and job levels, base and job experiences, weight, and zenny).

Tell Kore to stop all movements.

tank [me | <player name>]
<player name>
- a partial name of a player within Kore's immediate area.
Tell Kore to tank for a player.
Command Description
tank me
Start tanking for the player who issued the chat command.
tank <player name> Start tanking the player whose name matches the specified partial name.

tank stop
Tell Kore to stop tank mode.

Thank Kore for a job well done. ^_^
Note. Kore will only reply to this chat command if the number of seconds set in ai_thanks_set in timeouts.txt has not yet elapsed since the last chat command succeeded.

timeout (<timeout key>) [<seconds>]
<timeout key>
- a timeout key name from timeouts.txt.
- the time in seconds.
Set Kore's timeouts.
Command Description
timeout <timeout key> Display the current value of specified key name.
timeout <timeout key> <seconds> Set a new value for the specified key name.

Tell Kore to respawn back to the save point.
Note. Unless Kore is dead, it needs a Butterfly Wing in inventory, or the Teleport Skill, to respawn.

Ask Kore for its current location.