(решил скопировать к нам, вдруг где-то пригодиццо)
Ссылки:Epic:нубы ! вот !
C:\Documents (ну или где у вас там папка с ботом)\openkore-1.9.3\config\НИК ВАЩЕГО БОТА\control=> chat_resp.txt
у меня там так стоит , на english'э потому что я играю на GothicaRoКод: Выделить всё
# Kore can reply with a message when someone talks to you. In this file, # you can configure what Kore should say when someone says something. # # Each line has the following format: # (words) TAB (answers) # # (words) is a comma-seperated list of words. When the message (of the # one who talks to Kore) contains a word that's in this list, Kore will # pick a random answer from (answers), which is a comma-seperated list # of possible answers. # # For example: # bot,botter no,I'm not a bot,huh? # # When someone says something that contains the word "bot" or "botter", # Kore will reply with "no", "I'm not a bot" or "huh?". bot,botter,bot?,botter?,you bot,you bot?,are you bot?,are you bot wtf??,go home dude,im not a bot,no im not?,tralalala,go away??,g o h o m e ? hi,hello,hallo hi xD,dont talk to me xD are you bot?, no??,nope?,negative xD ?? i will report you, for what??,buzz off hey dude are you bot? nope??,No? fuck u,fuck you,you off,stupid,noob,fucker,idiot,gaylord,dickhead, REPORTED !!!!!!!!,REPORTED =)) no dont,no plz,no please,noo,nooo,noooo,no,nooooo,noooooo,nooooooo, i will report you =) whats up?,wazup?,wazaup,wazzzzzzup, nothing special??
1) Считается, что плагин likeHuman + болталка "Кадилимэн" - лучший комплект автоответчика на сегодняшний день ( viewtopic.php?t=210 и viewtopic.php?t=412 ).