OpenKore CVS 1.7.0 beta (4.2 Мб) - для ознакомительных целей.
Behelit hack-pack (3.4 Мб) - сборник устаревших "хакофф" для Ragnarok On-line.
(Функциональность не проверена. На вирусы/трояны не проверено. Использовать на свой страх и риск!)
Ragnarok Tools/Filters/Behelit Hacks
These files are a must have.
Ragnarok Tools
wpeproalpha0_9a.zip - A 2in1 packet sniffer and packet modifier. It lets you record the packets you send and the packets you get from and to the server and you can modify this packets using WPE's built in packet filtering.
ro-medic.zip - It makes your character auto heal its self when the HP is under the desired amount.
item_generator_ro+skill.zip - It gives you the packets for buying a specific item from an NPC and also gives you the packets for raising the desired skill
hitbreaker2.zip - Upgrade hack?
gf.zip - GRF factory 0.6c. It lets you extract files from a GRF file and also repacks new GRF files
fClient_ROHook2.rar - A packet sender + fRO client
grfio_extractor.exe - Also a file that lets you extract contents from a GRF file.
Equip.exe - A software that lets you equip weapons/armors in any part of your body
mousefreedom.rar - Move your mouse out of Ragnarok in window mode
kanemvp.zip - Maybe a boss locator
rokit.zip - No Sp and fast Teleportation
ROCPfakeByMarie.rar - Admin CP fake for Ragnarok
WPE Filters
gw.flt - A filter that lets you see the amount of damage you and others deal during guildwars. But their emblem will not be displayed on top of their heads. Use WPEproalpha to load this filter.
noname.flt - A filter that lets your character have no name.Use WPEproalpha to load this filter
sageblocks.flt - A filter for the Abrakadabra skill of sages. .:Edit:. This is my personal filter, which means that it has extras...If you want you can add on, it's not hard at all
Behelit Hacks
roproxy_v1.0.rar - Proxy that lets you spam skills,perform the readeal dupe,getting a cart with any job and performs the vending dupe.
sclientinfo.zip - Put this xml file in your RO data folder in order to load ROproxy
mswinsck_8988.zip - The needed file to run ROproxy
cashdupr.exe - Allow you to make cash
dealdupe.exe - Deal Dupe hack
mass-vend.exe - Allow you to mass vend into a shop
massvend.exe - Allow you to mass vend into a shop
noname.exe - Create a char without a name
nullchat.exe - Lets you make a chatroom that has no title or some kind of weird chatroom
old-dupr.exe - Old duping method
olddupr.exe - Old duping method
redr.exe - Allow you to run the red emoticon (...)
sendr.exe - The simplest packet sender ever
spoofr.exe - A name spoofer
vendr.exe - Vending hack
Архив (6.2 Мб, на 09.11.06) форума
http://ragnarokbot.4bb.ru/ - одним файлом в виде .chm.
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