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ошибка при попытке бота написать пм мессадж

Добавлено: Вс дек 16, 2007 10:29 pm
лайкхуман настроил,решил проверить..написал боту в приват,он вместо ответа мне выдал ошибку,типо бла бла бла функция сендпммесаджес в src/misc глючит
ну и вылетел
менял миск,ошибка остаётся,чего делать?

Добавлено: Пн дек 17, 2007 12:22 am
Уже спрашивали, долго мусолили тему в обсуждении лайкхумана, у меня была подобная ошибка, потом обновил сам плагин и все норм заработало.

Код: Выделить всё

package likehuman; 

# likeHuman v 3.0.1 
# This plugin was made by taking some parts of kadiliman's ChatBot and the "match" sub of hakore's ReactOnNPC plugins. 
# Change it as your will. 
# This plugin is FREE, so you can do whatever(yes, whatever) you want with it. 
# By Buggless 
# Working on openkore 1.9.x and 1.6.8+ 
# It will run only when AI is on. 
# An overlap on ChaCount conditions on same messages will cause last block to replace the first response (former one). 
# Usage: 
# on config.txt should include: 
# likeHumanOn (0|1)            is a flag to turn on (1) and off (0) plugin 
# likeHumanInLockOnly (0|1)            is a flag to turn on (1) and off (0) responses only on lockMap 
# likeHumanConsole (0|1)            is a flag to turn on (1) and off (0) console messages 
# likeHumanIgnore <semicolon_separated_list_of_names_also_regex> 
# likeHumanStopAfter <number_of_max_responses_to_same_user> 
# likeHumanRealIgnoreOn (0|1)            is a flag to turn on (1) and off (0) the ignore openkore option after 
#                     "likeHumanStopAfter" max responses are reached or in case "endings" condition 
#                     is accomplished. 
# likeHuman { 
#    questions <semicolon_separated_possible_from_msg_also_regex> 
#    answers <semicolon_separated_possible_responses> 
#    onPub (0|1)            is a flag to turn set (1) or unset (0) this questions check on Public Chat 
#    distance <max distance> is the max distance to the char that makes the pubMsg, you will cosider to make a response to 
#    onSystem (0|1)            is a flag to turn set (1) or unset (0) this questions check on System Chat 
#    onGuild (0|1)            is a flag to turn set (1) or unset (0) this questions check on Guild Chat 
#    onParty (0|1)            is a flag to turn set (1) or unset (0) this questions check on Party Chat 
#    onPM (0|1)            is a flag to turn set (1) or unset (0) this questions check on Private Msg Chat 
#    chatCount <range>      is a range to set how many times you will response to the same user 
#    endings <semicolon_separated_possible_close_chat_responses> 
# } 

use strict; 
use Plugins; 
use Globals; 
use Log qw(message warning error debug); 
use Misc; 
use Network; 
use Network::Send; 
use Utils; 

my %chatcount; 
my %chatended; 
my @ignorelist; 
my %totalcount; 

my $questionlist; 
my @questions; 
my $answerlist; 
my @answers; 
my $answer; 
my $sanswer = 0; 
my $endingslist; 
my @endings; 

my $prefix = "likeHuman_"; 

Plugins::register('likehuman', 'Human-Chat-Like behavior bot', \&Unload); 

my $hooks = Plugins::addHooks( 
            ['packet_pubMsg', \&onMsg, undef], 
            ['packet_privMsg', \&onMsg, undef], 
            ['packet_selfChat', \&onMsg, undef], 
            ['packet_partyMsg', \&onMsg, undef], 
            ['packet_guildMsg', \&onMsg, undef], 
            ['AI_post', \&AI_post, undef] 

sub Unload { 

sub onMsg { 

      return unless ($main::conState == 5); 
   return if (!$config{'likeHumanOn'}); 
   return unless $AI; 
   return if (AI::inQueue("likeHuman")); 
   return if (($config{'likeHumanInLockOnly'} > 0) && ($field{name} ne $config{lockMap})); 

   debug " Starting Check of Chat Message.\n", "likeHuman"; 

   my ($packet, $args) = @_; 
   my $likeMsgUsr = (($packet eq 'packet_selfChat') ? ($args->{user}) : ($args->{MsgUser})); 

   my $likeMsg = (($packet eq 'packet_selfChat') ? ($args->{msg}) :  ($args->{Msg})); 

   if ($config{'likeHumanStopAfter'}){ 

      debug " Checking if Message Received by User '$likeMsgUsr' are more than $config{'likeHumanStopAfter'}.\n", "likeHuman"; 
      debug " Received are '$totalcount{$likeMsgUsr}'.\n", "likeHuman"; 

      if ($totalcount{$likeMsgUsr} > $config{'likeHumanStopAfter'}) { 
         if ($config{'likeHumanRealIgnoreOn'} == 1) { 
            Commands::cmdIgnore "ignore","1 $likeMsgUsr"; 

   if ($config{'likeHumanIgnore'}){ 

      debug " Checking if User '$likeMsgUsr' should be ignored.\n", "likeHuman"; 
      my $ignorel; 

      $ignorel = $config{'likeHumanIgnore'}; 
      @ignorelist = split(/\s*;+\s*/, $ignorel); 

      for (my $ii = 0; $ii < @ignorelist; $ii++) { 
              next unless defined $ignorelist[$ii]; 
            if (match($ignorelist[$ii],$likeMsgUsr)){ 
            debug " Match Found ['$ignorelist[$ii]'] vs. ['$likeMsgUsr'] - Ignoring.\n", "likeHuman"; 
            if ($config{'likeHumanRealIgnoreOn'} == 1) { 
               Commands::cmdIgnore "ignore","1 $likeMsgUsr"; 


   for (my $i = 0; (exists $config{$prefix.$i}); $i++) { 

      debug " Checking for likeHuman Block '$i'.\n", "likeHuman"; 

      debug " Checking if it is not our own Message.\n", "likeHuman"; 

      return if ($likeMsgUsr eq $char->{name}); 

      debug " Checking if Chat was ended with User '$likeMsgUsr'.\n", "likeHuman"; 

      return if ($chatended{$likeMsgUsr} == 1); 

      $questionlist = $config{$prefix .$i. "_questions"}; 
      $answerlist = $config{$prefix .$i. "_answers"}; 
      @questions = split(/\s*;+\s*/, $questionlist); 
      @answers = split(/\s*;+\s*/, $answerlist); 
      $answer = $answers[rand(@answers)]; 
      $endingslist = $config{$prefix .$i. "_endings"}; 
      @endings = split(/\s*;+\s*/, $endingslist); 

      debug " Values are:\nQuestions '$questionlist'\nAnswers '$answerlist'\nEndings '$endingslist'.\nRandom Answer '$answer'.\n", "likeHuman"; 

      my $type; 

      debug " Checking Message Channel.($packet)\n", "likeHuman"; 

      if (($packet eq 'packet_pubMsg') && $config{$prefix.$i."_onPub"}) { 

         debug " Public Channel Detected.\n", "likeHuman"; 

         $type = "c"; 

         if ($config{$prefix.$i."_distance"}) { 

            debug " Checking distance.\n", "likeHuman"; 
            my $actor; 
            if ($args->{pubID}) { 
               if ((substr($Settings::VERSION, 0, 3) >= 1.9) && (substr($Settings::VERSION, 4) >= 1)){ 
                       $actor = $Globals::playersList->getByID($args->{pubID});        
               } else { 
                       $actor = $Globals::players{$args->{pubID}}; 
               $sanswer = 0 if (distance($char->{pos_to},$actor->{pos_to}) > $config{$prefix.$i."_distance"}); 
      elsif (($packet eq 'packet_selfChat') && $config{$prefix.$i."_onSystem"}) { 

         debug " System Channel Detected.\n", "likeHuman"; 

         if ($likeMsg =~/:/) { 
            ($likeMsgUsr, $likeMsg) = $likeMsg =~ /(.*?).:.(.*)/; 
         else { 

         $type = "c"; 

      elsif (($packet eq 'packet_guildMsg') && $config{$prefix.$i."_onGuild"}) { 

         debug " Guild Channel Detected.\n", "likeHuman"; 


         $type = "g"; 

      elsif (($packet eq 'packet_partyMsg')&& $config{$prefix.$i."_onParty"}) { 

         debug " Party Channel Detected.\n", "likeHuman"; 

         $type = "p"; 

      elsif (($packet eq 'packet_privMsg')&& $config{$prefix.$i."_onPM"}) { 

         debug " Private Channel Detected.\n", "likeHuman"; 


         $type = "pm"; 

      next if (!$sanswer); 

      # exit if the config option is not enabled 
      next if (!$type); 

      # exit if we don't have any reply 
      next if (!$answer); 
      ## COPIED FROM processChatResponse, ChatQueue.pm 
      # Calculate a small delay (to simulate typing) 
      # The average typing speed is 65 words per minute. 
      # The average length of a word used by RO players is 4.25 characters (yes I measured it). 
      # So the average user types 65 * 4.25 = 276.25 charcters per minute, or 
      # 276.25 / 60 = 4.6042 characters per second 
      # We also add a random delay of 0.5-1.5 seconds. 
      my @words = split /\s+/, $answer; 
      my $average; 
      foreach my $word (@words) { 
         $average += length($word); 
      $average /= (scalar @words); 
      my $typeSpeed = 65 * $average / 60; 
      my $likeArgs; 
      $likeArgs->{timeout} = (0.5 + rand(1)) + (length($answer) / $typeSpeed); 

      debug " Timeout will be '$likeArgs->{timeout}'.\n", "likeHuman"; 

      $likeArgs->{time} = time; 
      $likeArgs->{stage} = "start"; 
      $likeArgs->{reply} = $answer; 
      $likeArgs->{prefix} = $prefix.$i; 
      $likeArgs->{type} = $type; 
      $likeArgs->{privMsgUser}= $likeMsgUsr; 
      if ((AI::action ne 'likeHuman') && (main::checkSelfCondition($prefix))) { 
         AI::queue("likeHuman", $likeArgs); 
         debug " Putting response in Queue.\n", "likeHuman"; 
         message "likeHuman Block '$i' - Responding '$likeArgs->{reply}' to '$likeArgs->{privMsgUser}' in '$likeArgs->{timeout}' seconds.\n", "likeHuman" if ($config{'likeHumanConsole'}); 

      $sanswer = 0; 

sub AI_post { 
   if (AI::action eq 'likeHuman') { 
      my $args = AI::args; 
      if ($args->{stage} eq 'end') { 

         debug " Removing response from Queue.\n", "likeHuman"; 

      } elsif ($args->{stage} eq 'start') { 
         $args->{stage} = 'message' if (main::timeOut($args->{time}, $args->{timeout})); 

         debug " Executing response in Queue.\n", "likeHuman"; 

      } elsif ($args->{stage} eq 'message') { 

         debug " Sending response.\n", "likeHuman"; 
         my $net2; 

         if ((substr($Settings::VERSION, 0, 3) >= 1.9) && (substr($Settings::VERSION, 4) >= 0)){ 
                 $net2 = $Globals::net;        
         } else { 
                 $net2 = \$Globals::remote_socket; 

         if ($args->{type} ne 'pm'){ 
            sendMessage($messageSender, $args->{type}, $args->{reply}, undef); 
         else { 
            sendMessage($messageSender, $args->{type}, $args->{reply}, $args->{privMsgUser}); 

         $args->{stage} = 'end'; 
sub match 
   my ($pattern,$subject) = @_; 
   if (my ($re, $ci) = $pattern =~ /^\/(.+?)\/(i?)$/) 
      if (($ci && $subject =~ /$re/i) || (!$ci && $subject =~ /$re/)) 
         return 1; 
   elsif ($subject eq $pattern) 
      return 1; 
   return 0; 

sub likeCheckMsg 
   my ($likeMsgUsr,$likeMsg,$i) = @_; 
   my $ssanswer=$sanswer; 

   debug " Messages previously received by '$likeMsgUsr' are $chatcount{$likeMsgUsr . '_' .$i}.\n", "likeHuman"; 
   debug "Usr:$likeMsgUsr Msg:$likeMsg\n", "likehuman"; 

   if ($config{$prefix . $i . "_chatCount"}) { 
      for (my $ii = 0; $ii < @questions; $ii++) { 
            next unless defined $questions[$ii]; 
          if (match($questions[$ii],$likeMsg)){ 

            debug " Match Found ['$questions[$ii]'] vs. ['$likeMsg'] - Responding '$answer'.\n", "likeHuman"; 

            $chatcount{$likeMsgUsr . "_" .$i}++; 

            $ssanswer = 1; 
      if (!(Utils::inRange($chatcount{$likeMsgUsr . "_" .$i}, $config{$prefix . $i . "_chatCount"})) && ($ssanswer == 1)) { 
         if ($config{$prefix .$i. "_endings"}) { 
            $answer = $endings[rand(@endings)]; 
            $chatended{$likeMsgUsr} = 1; 
            if ($config{'likeHumanRealIgnoreOn'} == 1) { 
               Commands::cmdIgnore "ignore","1 $likeMsgUsr"; 
         } else  { 
            $ssanswer = 0; 

         debug " ChatCount not in Range [$chatcount{$likeMsgUsr . '_' .$i} : $config{$prefix . $i . '_chatCount'}] - Ending Chat.\nResponding '$answer'.\n", "likeHuman"; 
         message "likeHuman Block '$i' - Not Responding to '$likeMsgUsr' Cause ChatCount = $chatcount{$likeMsgUsr . '_' .$i}.\n", "likeHuman" if ($config{'likeHumanConsole'}); 

   }else  { 
      for (my $ii = 0; $ii < @questions; $ii++) { 
         next unless defined $questions[$ii]; 
              if (match($questions[$ii],$likeMsg)){ 
            $ssanswer = 1; 

            debug " Match Found ['$questions[$ii]'] vs. ['$likeMsg'] - Responding '$answer'.\n", "likeHuman"; 

            $chatcount{$likeMsgUsr . "_" .$i}++; 

   return $ssanswer; 

return 1;
p.s. Если не поможет попробуй другую версию сборки ОК поставить